Vi har fått noen av verdens mest erfarne leger og forskere til å forelese på seminaret: 

1200:               Lunch – all participants are invited to lunch at Bristol hotel before the seminar starts. 

1300:               Welcome. Introduction and welcome to the seminar by Olav Ljøsne, president of Blodkreftforeningen (The Norwegian Blood Cancer Association). He will also make an introduction of doctor Tobias S. Slørdahl who will be the moderator of the seminar. 
Tobias S. Slørdahl is doctor, researcher and teacher. Director of Clinical Academic Group for Multiple Myeloma in Central Norway. 

1315-1400:       New Frontiers in Myeloma Treatment. Presentation by Nikhil Munshi. 
Nikhil C. Munshi, MD is Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School and the Director of Basic and Correlative Science, and Associate Director of the Jerome Lipper Multiple Myeloma Center at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

1400-1430:       The impact of treatment of non-fit myeloma patients on clinical outcome and Health related Quality of LifeBy Sonja Zweegman. 
Prof. Dr. Sonja Zweegman works as a clinical hematologist as the head of the Department of Hematology at the VU University Medical Center Amsterdam UMC, Netherlands. and has a special interest in the treatment of patients with Multiple Myeloma. She is Chair of the HOVON Myeloma Working Group.   

1430-1450:       Coffee Break

1450-1520        Current Practice in Novel Drugs of Myeloma in Germany. By Hartmut Goldschmidt.
Hartmut Goldschmidt is Professor of Medicine (Hematology and Oncology) and Head of the Multiple Myeloma Program University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany

1520-1550:       Clinical studies in Norway and how to get new treatments available for Norwegian patiens. By Fredrik Schjesvold. 
Fredrik Schjesvold, MD, PhD, is the founder and leader of Oslo Myeloma Center at Oslo University Hospital.

1550-1600:       Coffee Break

1600-1620:       Access to new treatments in the public healthcare system. By Katrine Bryne, senior adviser at LMI, The Norwegian Pharmaceutical Industry Association. Bryne works within Market Access, and has previously worked with research and development at LMI. 

1620-1700:       Discussion                

Fagseminaret er ikke for pasienter, men et seminar hvor Blodkreftforeningen ønsker å samle fagpersoner som jobber for pasientenes beste til å få en oppdatering på hva som skjer innen internasjonal myelomatoseforskning og behandling. Påmelding under. 

Samlingen er støttet av legemiddelselskapet GSK. logo gsk

Blodkreftforeningen vil den samme uken arrangere pasientseminarer for myelomatosepasienter i Oslo (24.10), Bergen (25.10) og Trondheim (27.10) hvor Nikhil Munshi vil være med alle steder som foredragsholder. 

Påmelding til fagsamling om myelomatose

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